time of your life
live it

Monday, September 30, 2002
Hay all... very sorry i haven't bloged in forever, go blame my teachers who all feel i have 4 hours everynite just for their class.. o well. Anywho, I'm going to be switching parishes this weak :( , im gonna miss St. Louis, but I might be teaching 2nd grade CCD, i'll tell ya when I know (tomorrow most likely), and that should be fun.... i hope.. if ya all wanna pray for me, that'd be great, I can always use your prayers. Since I haven't blogged in a while, I thought I'd give you all a poem and maybe just a little thing about the Poor Clares.

Holy Sonnet 6
Death be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadfull, for, thou art not so,
For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow,
Die not, poor death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be, 5
Much pleasure, then from thee, much more must flow*,
And soonest our best men with thee do go,
Rest of their bones, and soules delivery.*
Thou art slave to Fate, Chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell, 10
And poppy*, or charms can make us sleep as well,
And better then thy stroke; why swell'st* thou then;
One short sleep past, we wake eternally,
And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.
--John Donne

...i know that is a very oddly written poem, and difficult to understand, but here is what we learned about it in class..
We know that John is addressing Death, and he is in his own way telling Death that though it thinks that it rules over the people who die, Death is wrong because after everyone dies and 'we wake eternally' (Second Coming) Death will be gone and done away with. John is lower Death and putting Death in its rightful place, under God, since Death cannot keep the people he claims to take.

Now.. the Poor Clares.
I know we always wonder, okay, so now what do they do all day? Very simply put, they pray. Pray, pray, pray, pray, preay.. and more praying, so if you ever think no one is praying for you, someone is. Their schedule can be found here. There are a lot of Poor Clare's website on the net, so just do a seach and you'll be sure to find some more. I believe there is some very wonderful in anyone who takes any religious vocation, but to me there is something very awe-inspiring of the Poor Clares. They are cloistered nuns and they rely on charity. For most of us, or at least me, it's hazard enough to have to deal with the people around me, but I can always have a lot of different people around me. Imagine living with the same 14 people for the rest of your life (okay, well some new ones every so often but still),that is something that takes a lot of patience and love.
That's just a little insight into what they do. If they interests you, find out more about them . I'll try and make another post about them and their founder St. Clare.

Nite nite...
12:20 AM :: ::

alicia :: permalink

Wednesday, September 11, 2002
-=In Memory=-
IN memory of 9/11 I think some schools are having a moment of silence for each time the planes crashed, whatever you're doing today just remember about all these people and don't loose hope/trust in God. I'm sure everyone can say exactly where they were, what they were doing, so i'll share mine. I was in math class and we had just finished taking a test. All the teachers were called out into the hallway (very odd) and then our teacher came back in and said that we're just gonna have to stay in our rooms longer and that we have to stay put. Of course that meant nothing to us cept that we'd be in math for longer. Some kid had a clue what was happening cuz he was watching hte TV earlier in another class so we turned on hte TV and then we knew. I can remember the horror on my teachers face when she waw what was happening...my father isn't like some bigshot anything, but he does work for the government, so that was a concern but I didn't know why he would be at the Pentagon. Another class joined our class and we all just stared at the TV. After I just stared, I had my rosary bracelet, and I just prayed forgetting some of the words, but I just prayed.People were gettingcalled out of classes and leaving and cry left and right. (I go to Langley, next to the CIA so that was a slight issue since if something happened, we weren't in too great a place) Next I got called out, I only wanted two things--"WHere's dad?" and "take me to a church". My dad as it turns out was at the pentagon but on the other wwwwwaaaaaay other side so he didnt even feel it, but he was in the middle of nowhere and was gonna be stuck there for a few hours. I just sat in hte church and could barely do anything but still, wonder, pray. Then I found the lil chapel room with the Tabernacle and I just cried in there since there was only one other lady in it and she was like 80.

Today at school we had a small service outside and it was beautiful, and wer were all fine through the madrigal singing, but once they played that trumpet some just couldn't hold it; that has to be the saddest song I have ever heard that has no words.

Everyone has there memories, and will always have their memories.. just remember the dead, the lost, our men and women overseas, and those closest to us.

~RIP Sept 11 victims~
6:48 AM :: ::

alicia :: permalink

Tuesday, September 10, 2002
For those of you Post-Vatican II people like me, who rarely hear Latin especially the prayers heres a lil bit of random learning for you, sort of in response to Kairos call for educating although most of you will probably already know this (I didnt til a few months ago, I still can say any by heart)

Sign of the Cross:
In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sacnti. Amen. -- In no-mee-nay pah-tris et fee-lee-ee et spir-ee-toos sonk-tee

Our Father:
Pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiast voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum de nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libra nos a malo. Amen.

Hail Mary
Ave maria gracia plena dominus tecum benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus fructus ventris tui Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nun, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.

Glory Be
Gloria Patri et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principo, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

i'll post the pronounciation to the rest later.. its similar to spanish. for more go to Prayers of the Rosary in Latin. Nite Nite.
11:06 PM :: ::

alicia :: permalink

Monday, September 09, 2002
-=Very Sorry=-
Guys, I'm very sorry that I dindt update at all last week, school just started and the first should be the easiest, but it wasn't. I will try to make a blog later tonite, but no promises. Till later---alicia
7:14 PM :: ::

alicia :: permalink

-=My Vainess=-

Monday, September 02, 2002
My Vainness=-
Abandon the material world, it's not that hard right? Ha, unless you one of those lucky people that can do that so easily, it's not.
Yes most of us have it somewhere in our hearts, the desire to actually just drop everything and go live in complete abandonment (of course we have a back up plan of it only lasting a short time then returning); or maybe you don't, I don't know I guess it depends on the person. I know that it's very hard for young people to just abandon the material world, since hay-- a lot of companies market directly to us convincing us that we should live lavishly and enjoy (well we should enjoy live but ya know) all the benefits that we can get out of life (i mean like transgressing a moral code to get these benefits).
I often think about that poor rich fellow who was told to go 'sell what you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven. The come, follow me.'- Matt 19:21. The guy was sad of course becasuse he had many things. I have many things to; does that mean that I should sell it all and give it to the poor and then I can truly follow Jesus? Well I honestly don't know the fully correct answer =, amybe one of you can tell me.
I don't think it is true with every case, because then the poor would be rich and the rich poor and there we go again--a never ending cycle. In the abstract it is to say that these things, money and items, they are obstacles in our journey with God.
Not everyone is to have the same call to come and be with God, that is so perfectly illustrated in the way that we have all different kinds of religious vocations, all different, but all serving the same God. Some take a vow of poverty (Poor Clares) others do not, so then are these other religious not able to erve God because they haven't given everything to the poor? No. We can still give to the the poor and have for ourselves, so long as we do not let these things hinder our relationship with God. The most important thing to remember or think about is are you living for God, or for perishable goods?

I just spent over $100 at Abercrombie!? I need to work on that heh ;)
8:29 PM :: ::

alicia :: permalink

-=Off To School=-

Off to School=-
it seems to be that dreaded time of yaer again--back to school.. personally, i dont mind it that much, i just wish that we had like the next week off haha, is that too much to ask? Anywayz, i'm gettin ready for school, and i've been dubbed 'Puerto Rican' finally.. this morning i ws eating azo pow de arroz con pollo (i have no clue how to spell it but i think that's close) for breakfast. My mom comes in and says 'No I KNOW ur Puerto Rican, you're eating that for breakfast!' . .hehe well im off to celebrate! clothes! o goodness my vanity, i need to work on abandoning the material world, maybe i'll blog on that tonite.
9:49 AM :: ::

alicia :: permalink